Monday, May 08, 2006


More Important News from Associated Press

Here's an example of a classic yellow stream media "news" report regarding the much maligned George Bush. Though posted at Fox News, like many on-line reports there, it is in fact from Associated Press -- a not so Bush friendly "news" outlet. As usual the president is made to look like a complete fool for the kind of casual off-hand remark that many past presidents have made (and common people make every day). At the end of the article the mood, context, and complete insignificance of his remark is a little clearer but reading the headline and opening "information," AP gets their usual appraisal across making an innocent and casual statement look like just another example of how "stupid" George Bush is. Remember, to the left (and that would include much of the main - yellow - stream media), Bush is completely stupid yet simultaneously an evil genius carefully orchestrating an authoritarian power grab so he can increase the wealth of "his rich oil buddies." On the other hand, the media and other assorted intellectual clowns see mere "mavericks" and "agrarian land reformers" in the likes of Hugo Chavez and his mentor Fidel Castro.

The international "news" media -- all the lies, distortion, and Jacobin party lines all the time.

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